
Medewerker aan het woord: Antonia Eckert

Bij medewerker aan het woord wordt er elke maand een gezicht bij 050media uitgelicht. Met deze keer Antonia in de hoofdrol. Antonia is onze Cross-border Consultant met specialisatie in Marketing op de Duitse markt. Ze houdt zich dagelijks bezig met verschillende marketingactiviteiten van SEO content tot google Ads om haar klanten tot internationaal succes te helpen.

Deze maand in medewerker aan het woord

Antonia Eckert

Hallo! My name is Antonia Eckert, I’m 25 years old and one of the few Native Germans in the office. I grew up in a very small village in Rhineland-Palatinate, about 6 hours by car from here. I came to Groningen in 2020 for my masters, which I could only experience online due to Covid. So I’ve decided to stay a bit longer and I’m still here :-)

At 050media I’m a cross-border consultant, specialized on the German market. I help Dutch businesses which want to take the step to the neighboring country or want to grow their existing business there towards a top positioned one. I help with all kinds of marketing activities, from SEO content and linkbuilding over newsletters to Google Ads. 

In my spare time I really like to explore the world of food, let it be cooking something new with my boyfriend, going to a new restaurant or being on a short trip somewhere to find new delicacies. Just last week I went to Crete and tried some of the traditional dishes there - very recommended! Further, I spend a lot of time with my friends in the city and go home to Germany from time to time to see my family and friends there. 


Hoe ben je bij 050media terecht gekomen?

After I’ve finished my masters of international communication here in Groningen, I’ve wanted to stay in the city and found a job as content marketeer at 050media. As the task area of the cross-border team grew rapidly, I got involved in consultancy more and more, developing relevant skills to finally get a consultant myself. Since then, I’m involved in all kinds of SEO and marketing related activities for my clients and support them with my German expertise.

Hoe ziet de gemiddelde werkdag eruit? 

Unlike most people here, my day starts without coffee. I’m not a morning person but unfortunately coffee can’t help me there. I first check my mails and eat a little breakfast. Afterwards, every day continues very differently. I can either have a meeting to discuss the newest developments of SEO, am about to visit a client to get in touch or work on SEO tasks that need to be done. The lunch break is always eagerly awaited and ends with a walk. With new energy, I continue working on an open strategy for a new client or I have a meeting with my team to check in with everyone. No day looks the same, but that’s what I appreciate a lot about my work here. You have to stay flexible and open for whatever to come.


Wat vind je het leukste aan 050media als bedrijf?

I know it’s the most common thing mentioned here, but it’s true - the community and atmosphere within the company. Everyone is very supportive and open, which makes it easy to feel comfortable and motivated during work. Especially for internationals, this openness is essential to feel welcome. Further, there is a lot of knowledge sharing going on, which makes it possible for everyone to look outside the box of one's own work topics.

Welk nummer zou je het liefst de hele dag op kantoor willen horen?

Hey Ya! from Outkast. That’s my personal mood booster I can always listen to. In general, I listen to nearly everything, a lot of Hip-Hop and R&B but definitely no techno (sorry Dutchies). 

Wat is het tofste dat je ooit voor een klant hebt mogen doen?

That’s a difficult question. I think my favorite case so far was to help a big Dutch player (in his kind of business) going to Germany and growing rapidly there as well. Every incoming order was so exciting for them and for me as well, that enthusiasm gives you a lot of motivation! Generally, the diversity of my clients makes every task unique and my work stays challenging every day, which I really like.


Wie nomineer jij voor de volgende keer? 

I’m nominating Saila Holtari


Geschreven door Antonia


in: Internationaal / Medewerkers

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